Breaking News

Author: 0knmk

Ethical AI integration and future trends

Grace Zheng, Data Analyst at Canon and Founder of Kosh Duo, recently sat down for an interview with AI News during AI & Big Data Expo Global to discuss integrating AI ethically as well as provide her insights around future trends.  Zheng first explained how over a decade working in digital marketing and e-commerce sparked…

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2023 Prepared the Ground for Crypto’s Future

If you pay attention to the progress of blockchain and crypto, 2023 was an amazing and constructive year. As we approach the end of the year that was challenging from a business perspective, I can tell you, I still think we’re going to make it. On the other hand, if you weren’t tuned into the…

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Fra Mauro: The magnificent medieval map that made cartography into a science

Fra Mauro’s beautiful, intricate map of the world History_docu_photo/Alamy​ DURING a stay in Venice a few years ago, I spent time in the Correr Museum, soaking up the city’s history. Located in Saint Mark’s Square, the museum displays imposing statues, paintings of sea battles and ancient weapons. But as I passed through the last room…

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What’s in Store for Crypto Regulations in 2024?

Federal judges won’t be hurried into ruling on the weighty questions of defining tokens as securities. And if the commission led by crypto adversary Gensler chooses to make everything last as long as possible, delay costs the industry more than it costs the SEC’s legal team. In the meantime, the SEC and the Internal Revenue…

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Do animals dream and if so, what about?

ONE autumn day in 2020, Daniela Rößler drove home with a car full of jumping spiders. Her lab was closed due to covid-19 regulations, so, after a day in a dry field spent corralling her specimens, Rößler had no option other than to bring them back to her house. When, by chance, she checked on…

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Bitcoin Ends the Week in Muted Mood

Historically, cryptocurrency markets have been dominated by unregulated trading venues and retail investor activity. Still, this year shows how much market structure and participation has evolved and become institutionalized, Goldman Sachs (GS) said in a report last week. The crypto market saw a growth of regulated, centrally cleared derivatives venues in 2023, including Coinbase Derivatives,…

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Artificial intelligence and climate change were 2023’s twin challenges

Screenwriters and Writers Guild Of Great Britain (WGGB) members stage a rally in Leicester Square Vuk Valcic/Alamy WHEN New Scientist editors sat down to discuss the biggest story of 2023, one topic shot straight to the top of the list. It can’t have escaped anyone’s notice that artificial intelligence rocketed to prominence this year, with…

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European Blockchain to Get Boost Under Belgium’s EU Council Presidency, Digital Minister Mathieu Michel Says

“We are really bringing a lot of attention to privacy, but also transparency, control of the data. And with the blockchain, there is a technical aspect that can bring us that. And that’s really, for example, the interoperability between the application in France, Italy and Spain,” Michel said. Source link

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Can science explain why some drinks and foods are a perfect match?

Some things just go together, like red wine and cheese, lager and a spicy curry – and Christmas and mulled wine, says Sam Wong Source link

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Everything you need to know about the way cannabis affects your brain

Cannabis derails train of thought, but may not affect long-term memory Cannabis interferes with the working memory we use to keep track of what we are doing, but whether the drug causes long-lasting memory impairments is less clear Source link

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