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Aimed at big data and analytics industry professionals, leaders and innovators, and the movers and shakers in the industry, the Analytics Insight magazine features real and timely information for this trending sector. The digital and web magazine showcases a quality enterprise big data and analytics coverage with interviews, articles, and commentary.

DeepMind AI with built-in fact-checker makes mathematical discoveries

DeepMind’s FunSearch AI can tackle mathematical problems alengo/Getty Images Google DeepMind claims to have made the first ever scientific discovery with an AI chatbot by building a fact-checker to filter out useless outputs, leaving only reliable solutions to mathematical or computing problems. Previous DeepMind achievements, such as using AI to predict the weather or protein…

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Two books to write and the universe to decipher – 2024’s gonna be busy

Beatriz Nascimento National Archive of Brazil/Courtesy The Beatriz Nascimento Foundation THIS year I made what may have been a mistake: I agreed to write two books. And having written that sentence, I feel compelled to reassure both of my editors (should they see this column) that all is totally fine, I am on top of…

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A tale of two Silicon Valley Sams – Bankman-Fried and Altman

THIS was the year when two of Silicon Valley’s biggest hype blimps – cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence – were deflated by drama. First came the downfall of Sam Bankman-Fried, whose shady cryptocurrency empire landed him in court, where he was convicted of fraud and conspiracy. During his trial, witnesses and evidence revealed that Bankman-Fried’s cryptocurrency…

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Alastair Reynolds: An exclusive short story for New Scientist

It was a foggy December, colder than usual. An old woman waded through the shallows of a concrete-bound river. She wore overalls and a breather mask, a meshwork hopper slung over her back. She leaned hard on two sticks, one with a grabber on the end, the other a net. At intervals, she scooped some…

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How 2023 saw the UK going backwards on climate issues

Youth from Fridays for Future organization stage a protest calling to cease fires and end fossil fuels Dominika Zarzycka/NurPhoto/Getty I WILL remember 2023 as another year of sadness and anger, and not just because of my personal loss. Constant alarming news on the environment coupled to a political class still largely unable or unwilling to…

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‘Abdominal perimeters’ increase over holiday season, find researchers

Increasing perimeters Some people are big on holidays – bigger than they were before those holidays. A team at the University of Castilla-La Mancha and the University of Valladolid, Spain, sized up some first-year undergraduate nursing students, then wrote about it in a paper called “Preliminary study of the increase in health science students’ body…

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Ultrasound could spot battery defects that might lead to fires

Potentially dangerous battery damage that would normally be hidden from sight could be revealed quickly and at low cost using ultrasound waves Source link

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Spinal cord stimulator dramatically reduces phantom limb pain

Pressure sensors on a prosthetic foot that send electrical pulses to the spinal cord help improve walking stability – and they also reduce phantom limb pain by an average of 70 per cent Source link

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Fagilde’s trapdoor spider rediscovered in Portugal after disappearing for 92 years

Fagilde’s trapdoor spider was rediscovered in northern Portugal Sergio Henriques/Re:wild An elusive species of trapdoor spider has been spotted again in a small village in Portugal after a 92-year disappearance. Fagilde’s trapdoor spider (Nemesia berlandi) was first described in 1931, after entomologists found a pair of females just outside the tiny northern Portuguese village of…

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Why weight-loss drugs became more popular than ever this year

This year, celebrity gossip, a national shortage and eyebrow-raising clinical trials made household names of weight-loss and diabetes drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro. The buzzy drugs belong to a class of powerful medications that can manage blood sugar levels and drastically reduce body weight — a hot property that kicked them into the mainstream….

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