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Aimed at big data and analytics industry professionals, leaders and innovators, and the movers and shakers in the industry, the Analytics Insight magazine features real and timely information for this trending sector. The digital and web magazine showcases a quality enterprise big data and analytics coverage with interviews, articles, and commentary.

Sphere packing: Tiny balls fit best inside a sausage, physicists confirm

Simulations show microscopic plastic balls within a cell membrane Marín-Aguilar, S., Camerin, F., van der Ham, S. et al. 2023 What is the most space-efficient way to pack tennis balls or oranges? Mathematicians have studied this “sphere-packing” problem for centuries, but surprisingly little attention has been paid to replicating the results in the real world….

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Mind-reading AI can translate brainwaves into written text

An AI can decode brainwave recordings to predict the words someone is reading Vertigo3d/Getty Images Using only a sensor-filled helmet combined with artificial intelligence, a team of scientists has announced they can turn a person’s thoughts into written words. In the study, participants read passages of text while wearing a cap that recorded electrical brain…

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What makes the best sounding didgeridoo, according to science

Didgeridoo players can use their vocal cord reverberations to manipulate the resonances produced by the wood Kate Callas The traits that make the best didgeridoos have now been identified, and it has also given us a better understanding of how people use their vocal cords to make sounds with the instruments. Didgeridoos, used by the…

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DeepSouth: Supercomputer that simulates entire human brain will switch on in 2024

An artist’s impression of the DeepSouth supercomputer A supercomputer capable of simulating, at full scale, the synapses of a human brain is set to boot up in Australia next year, in the hopes of understanding how our brains process massive amounts of information while consuming relatively little power. The machine, known as DeepSouth, is being…

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A maverick physicist is building a case for scrapping quantum gravity

A rift runs deep through the heart of physics. The general theory of relativity, which describes gravity, clashes with quantum physics. In an effort to seal that physics fissure, untold numbers of physicists have spent their careers working to build a theory of quantum gravity. But one physicist is championing a radically different path. Jonathan…

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The first CRISPR therapy approved in the U.S. will treat sickle cell disease

U.S. patients with sickle cell disease now have a novel treatment option: the first-ever CRISPR-based therapy. On December 8, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the gene-editing therapy for use in patients age 12 years and older. In addition to offering hope of relief for people with severe forms of the painful blood disorder,…

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How tiny red stars can test ideas about the origin of life

A survey of small, cool stars is helping to narrow in on the conditions that might set the stage for life beyond our solar system. A look at about 200 ultracool dwarf stars shows that they lack sufficient ultraviolet light intensity to have the potential to jump-start life, researchers report December 1 in the Monthly…

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Spanish horses found a home in Patagonia long before Europeans did

Hunter-gatherers in southernmost South America integrated horses with Spanish pedigrees into their societies around 400 years ago, long before Europeans occupied that region, a new study suggests. Analyses of horse remains uncovered at Chorrillo Grande 1, a site in Argentina’s Patagonian region, indicate that locals raised and ate transatlantic equines by the early 1600s, say…

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Generative AI grabbed headlines this year. Here’s why and what’s next

Ask ChatGPT “Why is the sky blue?” and seconds later, it will tell you: “The blue color of the sky is primarily due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering,” which the chatbot goes on to explain in a textbook-like, six-paragraph response. Follow up with, “Explain like I am 5 and make it short, please,” and…

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COP28 is making headlines. Here’s why the focus on methane matters

This year’s United Nations’ annual climate summit, dubbed COP28, is making a lot of headlines — not something I would have found myself writing a few years ago. One reason for COP’s higher profile is a growing sense of urgency to take stronger action to reduce humans’ fossil fuel emissions and mitigate the looming climate…

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