Breaking News

Major climate tipping points could be triggered within a decade

Warming oceans could lead to the mass die-off of tropical coral reefs Helmut Corneli / Alamy The climate has warmed so much that we are already at risk of triggering five global “tipping points” that would have catastrophic effects worldwide and couldn’t be reversed easily if at all, according to a major report. As the…

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U.S., South Korea, Japan Discuss North Korean Crypto Thefts in Trilateral Meeting

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Republic of Korea National Security Advisor Cho Tae-Yong and Japan National Security Advisor Takeo Akiba met in Seoul, South Korea to discuss various issues, including the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, the official name for North Korea) and its ongoing weapons of mass destruction program, a White House…

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From physics to generative AI: An AI model for advanced pattern generation | MIT News

Generative AI, which is currently riding a crest of popular discourse, promises a world where the simple transforms into the complex — where a simple distribution evolves into intricate patterns of images, sounds, or text, rendering the artificial startlingly real.  The realms of imagination no longer remain as mere abstractions, as researchers from MIT’s Computer…

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The First Crispr Medicine Is Now Approved in the US

Casgevy uses the Nobel Prize–winning technology Crispr to modify patients’ cells so that they produce healthy hemoglobin instead. The Crispr system has two parts: a protein that cuts genetic material and a guide molecule that tells it where in the genome to make the cut. To do this, a patient’s stem cells are taken out…

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Locusts spun in a centrifuge develop extra-strong exoskeletons

Locust with a backpack that helped apply mechanical stress to the exoskeleton Jan-Henning Dirks When the gravity acting on them is increased, locusts adapt. Locusts placed in a centrifuge to mimic the conditions of hypergravity grew tougher legs than those living normally – but not all of them survived the process. Many biological materials, such…

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India Unlikely to See a Crypto or Web3 Bill for 18 Months, Senior Lawmaker Jayant Sinha Reveals

“In India where we have capital controls when you can’t freely trade the rupee for us to enable crypto assets is not really feasible,” Sinha said. “Unlike other economies like Singapore, or Korea or the US that have freely tradable currencies, and can get into crypto with a lot less trepidation. As far as India…

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Re-imagining the opera of the future | MIT News

In the mid-1980s, composer Tod Machover came across a copy of Philip K. Dick’s science fiction novel “VALIS” in a Parisian bookstore. Based on a mystical vision Dick called his “pink light experience,” “VALIS” was an acronym for “vast active living intelligence system.” The metaphysical novel would become the basis for Machover’s opera of the…

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The EU Just Passed Sweeping New Rules to Regulate AI

Over the two years lawmakers have been negotiating the rules agreed today, AI technology and the leading concerns about it have dramatically changed. When the AI Act was conceived in April 2021, policymakers were worried about opaque algorithms deciding who would get a job, be granted refugee status or receive social benefits. By 2022, there…

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We can trigger positive tipping points to cut carbon emissions faster

The rapid growth of solar energy in recent years can be seen as a positive tipping point Henry Do/Solent News/Shutterstock There are tipping points in technological, economic, political and social systems that could lead to carbon emissions falling faster if triggered, according to a major report. The authors of the Global Tipping Points Report are…

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Cathie Wood’s ARK Sells Another $24.3M of Coinbase (COIN) Shares

The sale of 180,422 shares would have brought in $24.3 million at the closing price of $134.63. They rose as high as $147.86 on Tuesday. The sales took place from the Innovation (ARKK), Next Generation Internet (ARKW) and Fintech Innovation (ARKF) exchange-traded funds (ETFs), according to an emailed statement. Source link

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