Breaking News


Police Can Spy on Your iOS and Android Push Notifications

According to Wyden, the records that governments can obtain from Apple and Google include metadata that reveals which apps a person has used, when they’ve received notifications, and the phone associated with a particular Google or Apple account. The content of push notifications is not included in this information, but, for at least some apps,…

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Apple responds to Beeper’s iMessage for Android: ‘We took steps to protect our users’

A few days after the team at Beeper proudly announced a way for users to send blue-bubble iMessages directly from their Android devices without any weird relay servers, and about 24 hours after it became clear Apple had taken steps to shut that down, Apple has shared its take on the issue. The company’s stance…

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Android phones will send emergency medical data during 911 calls

The technology works by sending important emergency information about the caller entered in the Personal Safety app, like age, weight, blood type, allergies, and more, to a platform called RapidSOS. Over 15,000 911 and field responder agencies are tapped into RapidSOS, which has supported relaying Medical ID data from iPhones since 2020. If you’re dialing…

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Proton Drive is adding an encrypted photo backup feature on Android

Proton Drive, the end-to-end encrypted cloud storage app, is getting more like Google Drive. The Android version of the app now lets you automatically back up and manage the photos on your phone. With the addition of a photo syncing and management feature, it’s becoming more viable as an alternative to mainstream cloud storage options…

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