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Evolution: Why are there no flightless bats? We’re closing in on an answer

The vampire bat isn’t just an expert flyer – it is also an adept walker Joel Sartore/Photo Ark/ IN THE undergrowth of a New Zealand forest, something stirs. A small, fuzzy animal is scurrying over tree roots and through leaf litter, foraging for insects and fruit. It scuttles with an odd gait, as if on…

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Google Just Launched Gemini, Its Long-Awaited Answer to ChatGPT

Increasing talk of artificial intelligence developing with potentially dangerous speed is hardly slowing things down. A year after OpenAI launched ChatGPT and triggered a new race to develop AI technology, Google today revealed an AI project intended to reestablish the search giant as the world leader in AI. Gemini, a new type of AI model…

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