Breaking News


H&R Block launches AI tax filing assistant

Tax prep company H&R Block released a new conversational AI chatbot that answers taxpayer questions.  AI Tax Assist, accessed through paid versions of H&R Block’s DIY tax software, lets users ask questions on tax rules, possible exemptions, and other tax-related issues. It also points people to a human tax expert for more personalized advice, though…

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Google’s NotebookLM Aims to Be the Ultimate Writing Assistant

Steven Johnson has written 13 books, on topics ranging from a London cholera outbreak to the value of video games. He’s been a television presenter and a podcast host. He’s a keynote speaker who doesn’t have to call himself that in his LinkedIn profile. And for over a year now, he’s been a full-time employee…

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Automated system teaches users when to collaborate with an AI assistant | MIT News

Artificial intelligence models that pick out patterns in images can often do so better than human eyes — but not always. If a radiologist is using an AI model to help her determine whether a patient’s X-rays show signs of pneumonia, when should she trust the model’s advice and when should she ignore it? A…

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