Breaking News


Polygon Labs Deprecates ‘Polygon Edge,’ Used to Build Dogechain, Which Uses Dogecoin for Gas

It was pitched as a way of adding support for Ethereum-style smart contracts, which in turn could facilitate new DeFi protocols as well as NFTs; the original Dogecoin blockchain lacked smart-contract support, since it was a fork of Litecoin, which in turn was an early clone of Bitcoin, the original blockchain launched in 2009 –…

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Video Games That Encourage Human Interaction Can Build Better Vibes

Gamers have long been stigmatized as lonely weirdos. Some of that has been deserved—ask anyone who’s had a bunch of children shout horrible slurs at them during a match of Call Of Duty. But some leaders in the gaming industry want to push back against that narrative by creating games that encourage users to form…

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How to build a bike lane in America

When most people in the US need to go somewhere, they reach for their car keys. There are plenty of reasons for this: driving is easy, it’s comfortable, and it requires very little preparation. But also, it’s hard to do anything else, and maybe the hardest of those hard things is cycling.  But plenty of…

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