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How Asia Drives the Next Crypto Bull Market

The enthusiasm for crypto in Asia is hard to miss. A stark contrast was visible between less vibrant fall conferences in the States and the buzzing scenes at Korea Blockchain Week and Token2049 in Singapore. Cities like Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Manila, and Kuala Lumpur, not to mention a handful of large Indian…

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Move Over Anchoring Bias, But Bitcoin’s Bull Run Still Has Plenty of Steam Left

Traditional finance investors who want exposure to bitcoin could fall victim to the anchoring bias and intuitively wait for cheaper entry prices. That’s because, in conventional markets, assets rarely double in value in less than a year. Besides, investors, in general, are vulnerable to loss aversion, a cognitive behavior of booking out of winning trades…

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Bitcoin’s (BTC) Famed Bull Market Pullbacks Have Been Elusive. Here’s Why

Derivatives are usually leveraged instruments, allowing traders to take bullish (long) or bearish (short) positions worth more than the amount they have deposited as a margin at the exchange. Leverage is a double-edged sword, magnifying both profits and losses. It also exposes traders to liquidations, or forced unwinding, due to margin shortfalls. Furthermore, mass liquidations…

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