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Inside the secretive cannabis lab that makes futuristic weed

Cannabis is changing. Today’s marijuana is more potent than ever and there remain many questions about its benefits and risks. We still can’t meaningfully regulate driving while high. And growing cannabis – legally and not – has a staggering environmental footprint. In The weed of the future, the final episode of our special three-part podcast…

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Everything you need to know about the way cannabis affects your brain

Cannabis derails train of thought, but may not affect long-term memory Cannabis interferes with the working memory we use to keep track of what we are doing, but whether the drug causes long-lasting memory impairments is less clear Source link

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What cannabis does to your body and brain

Despite humans having used cannabis for thousands of years, it is only recently that we have started to work out why it affects us the way that it does. Chemicals in cannabis called cannabinoids activate receptors throughout our bodies that form the endocannabinoid system. This system is involved in regulating everything from mood to memory,…

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Traces of cannabis found in pre-modern human bones for the first time

A femur, one of the bones that held traces of cannabis Gaia Giordano, Mirko Mattia, Michele Boracchi, et al. The first evidence of cannabis discovered in archaeological skeletal remains comes from bones of people buried under a hospital in Milan, Italy, in the 17th century. “Molecules of medicinal plants can be detected by toxicological analysis…

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Vaping vs edibles: How does the way we use cannabis alter its effects?

Cannabis edibles offer a different way to consume the drug Shutterstock/Brian Goodman For people who want their cannabis without the smoke, edibles provide an increasingly popular alternative. And it isn’t just pot brownies, either. Gummies, tinctures and other products can be laced with the drug. “The availability of different types of products makes it so…

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Cannabis can relieve pain short-term, but we still don’t know how

Is cannabis an effective painkiller? SciePro/Shutterstock Cannabis has a long history as a pain-reliever – it is mentioned in 3500-year-old medical texts from ancient Egypt. But there is still active debate over the extent of the drug’s analgesic properties. On the one hand, there is some evidence that cannabis can relieve certain types of pain….

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How strong is the link between cannabis and schizophrenia?

Cannabis has been linked to psychosis and schizophrenia Shutterstock/FGC Not only is cannabis one of the world’s most widely used recreational drugs, it is also generating excitement for its potential to treat a range of health conditions from cancer to insomnia. But there is another side to the drug – it is associated with psychotic…

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