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Databricks claims DBRX sets ‘a new standard’ for open-source LLMs

Databricks has announced the launch of DBRX, a powerful new open-source large language model that it claims sets a new bar for open models by outperforming established options like GPT-3.5 on industry benchmarks.  The company says the 132 billion parameter DBRX model surpasses popular open-source LLMs like LLaMA 2 70B, Mixtral, and Grok-1 across language…

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OpenAI calls Elon Musk’s lawsuit claims ‘incoherent’

OpenAI has hit back at Elon Musk’s lawsuit, deeming his claims “convoluted — often incoherent — factual premises.” Musk’s lawsuit accuses OpenAI of breaching its non-profit status and reneging on a founding agreement to keep the organisation non-profit and release its AI technology publicly. However, OpenAI has refuted these allegations, stating that there is no…

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Here are some big-if-true scientific claims that made headlines in 2023

From ancient cannibalism to stars made of dark matter, 2023 delivered several scientific claims that could shake up their fields — if they shape up to be true. Spark of life Early life on Earth may have gotten a boost from giant volcanic eruptions. A new look at debris from 10 eruptions millions of years…

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Solana (SOL) Rally Sees FTX’s Holdings Grow to $3.3B, Setting Claims Market on Fire

“The market for claims has gone red hot,” Braziel said via email. “Everything that was off the table is now on the table in terms of issues with claims, such as KYC/ AML being not verified. In the beginning it was super picky; now it’s whatever we can touch that we can figure out, we…

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Hacker Group Linked to Russian Military Claims Credit for Cyberattack on Kyivstar

Over nearly a decade, the hacker group within Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency known as Sandworm has launched some of the most disruptive cyberattacks in history against Ukraine’s power grids, financial system, media, and government agencies. Signs now point to that same usual suspect being responsible for sabotaging a major mobile provider for the country,…

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Elon Musk’s New Monkey Death Claims Spur Fresh Demands for an SEC Investigation

In October 2018, a UC Davis veterinarian approved Animal 13 for use in a Neuralink experiment. She was six years old when she received her Neuralink implants. According to her pre-project physical exam and echocardiogram, Davis staff did not observe any medical abnormalities prior to her surgery, only noting that she had superficial scratches on…

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50 years ago, astronomers challenged claims that Barnard’s star has a planet

For decades, scientists and science fiction authors have speculated about whether Barnard’s star, the fastest moving star in the night sky and just six light-years from the sun, might host a planet (one illustrated). M. Kornmesser/ESO No planet for Barnard’s star? — Science News, December 1, 1973 Over the years evidence has been brought forward for planetary…

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