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Artificial intelligence and climate change were 2023’s twin challenges

Screenwriters and Writers Guild Of Great Britain (WGGB) members stage a rally in Leicester Square Vuk Valcic/Alamy WHEN New Scientist editors sat down to discuss the biggest story of 2023, one topic shot straight to the top of the list. It can’t have escaped anyone’s notice that artificial intelligence rocketed to prominence this year, with…

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Climate change is killing coral — can AI help protect the reefs?

Time is running out to save the world’s coral reefs, so conservationists are turning to every tool they can to protect vanishing reefs — including AI. In Florida, the race is on to restore reefs by “planting” corals raised by humans. It’s an upward battle as rising ocean temperatures stress already struggling reefs. Tracking the…

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AI meets climate: MIT Energy and Climate Hack 2023 | MIT News

The MIT Energy and Climate Hack brought together participants from myriad fields and disciplines to develop rapid, innovative solutions to one of the most complex challenges facing society today: the global energy and climate crisis. Hundreds of students from MIT and colleges across the globe convened on MIT’s campus and virtually for this year’s event, which…

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How 2023 saw the UK going backwards on climate issues

Youth from Fridays for Future organization stage a protest calling to cease fires and end fossil fuels Dominika Zarzycka/NurPhoto/Getty I WILL remember 2023 as another year of sadness and anger, and not just because of my personal loss. Constant alarming news on the environment coupled to a political class still largely unable or unwilling to…

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A new UN report lays out an ethical framework for climate engineering

The world is in a climate crisis — and in the waning days of what’s likely to be the world’s hottest year on record, a new United Nations report is weighing the ethics of using technological interventions to try to rein in rising global temperatures. “The current speed at which the effects of global warming…

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Climate change made 2023 the hottest year on record

This year didn’t just shatter records. It changed the scales.  Graph after graph tracking this year’s soaring global temperatures reveal that not only were the numbers higher than ever recorded in many places around the world, but the deviation from the norm was also astonishingly large. “The margins by which records are being broken this…

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COP28: Even if the climate summit fails, it has changed the conversation on fossil fuels

Climate protester Licypriya Kangujam took to the stage during a discussion at COP28 on 11 December Dominika Zarzycka/NurPhoto via Getty Image The COP28 climate summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, has entered overtime with a real possibility the talks could end in failure, given how far apart countries are on the future of oil, gas…

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COP28: Why a climate adaptation deal is a ‘matter of life or death’

Collins Nzovu, Zambia’s minister of green economy and environment, speaking at COP28 Dominika Zarzycka/NurPhoto/Shutterstock The countries most vulnerable to climate change say the world must do far more to help them adapt to rising temperatures and extreme weather, even as it races to slash greenhouse gas emissions, in what has emerged as a key issue…

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COP28: Countries agree on how to fund climate ‘loss and damage’

A flooded street in Beledweyne, Somalia, in November Abuukar Mohamed Muhidin/Anadolu via Getty Images The world has agreed to key details of a loss and damage fund on the first day of the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, allaying fears that the issue would unravel negotiations on other urgent issues at the…

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Paris climate goal of less than 2°C of warming is within our grasp

WHEN the 2015 Paris Agreement anchored the goal to keep global warming “well below 2°C“, most people I spoke with at the time thought it was dead on arrival. I was at the COP21 summit in France and, despite the can-do spirit, many people felt achieving this was effectively impossible. Conventional wisdom says we are…

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