Breaking News


Stability AI releases Stable Code 3B for enhanced coding assistance

Stability AI has announced the release of Stable Code 3B, an upgraded three billion parameter AI system for automatic code generation and completion. With enhancements like larger context size and improved completion quality, Stable Code 3B aims to push the boundaries of AI-assisted software development. At just three billion parameters, Stable Code 3B is designed…

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Ledger Exploit Drained $484K, Upended DeFi; Former Staffer Linked to Malicious Code

Although Ledger has updated its own code, Ido Ben-Natan, the CEO of blockchain security firm Blockaid told CoinDesk in a Telegram message that “many websites are still affected and users are getting hit.” For the risk to be completely mitigated, every protocol using Ledger’s Connect Kit has to manually update their version of the library….

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Code Is Not (Always) Law

Key to this egalitarian standard has been the idea that the code is the code, and that is what matters most. Judges, regulators and politicians may try to set parameters around what types of financial services can be accessed and by whom, but in crypto, such restrictions cannot apply (except to the extent that centralized…

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