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RWA Protocol Ondo Finance Expands Tokenized Treasury Offerings to the Solana (SOL) Network and DeFi Apps

“The Solana DeFi ecosystem has demonstrated great resilience and growth potential, thanks to its innovative scaling and low transaction costs,” Nathan Allman, founder and CEO of Ondo Finance, said in a statement. “Integrating Ondo’s offerings with Solana not only aligns with our strategic growth but also paves the way for novel decentralized finance applications leveraging…

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A New Kind of Insider Trading? Hegic's DeFi Bets Might Attract SEC's Attention, Experts Say

Hegic recently scored a windfall buy buying WHITE tokens ahead of big news. The trade might cross the line, according to experts. Source link

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Ledger Exploit Drained $484K, Upended DeFi; Former Staffer Linked to Malicious Code

Although Ledger has updated its own code, Ido Ben-Natan, the CEO of blockchain security firm Blockaid told CoinDesk in a Telegram message that “many websites are still affected and users are getting hit.” For the risk to be completely mitigated, every protocol using Ledger’s Connect Kit has to manually update their version of the library….

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DeFi Protocol Sushi's CTO Warns of Possible Exploit

Decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol Sushi has reportedly been hit by a front-end exploit, with the company’s CTO issuing a warning about an industry-wide exploit related to a “commonly used” web3 connector. Source link

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Cardano’s ADA Jumps 17% as Value Locked on Cardano DeFi Ecosystem Reaches $450M

The total value locked (TVL) of all Cardano-based projects jumped to over $440 million late earlier this week, crossing a previous peak of $330 million set in April. Most growth seemingly occurred over the past week, with lending protocol Indigo and on-chain exchange Minswap seeing their TVL surge by over 50% to nearly $100 million…

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Crypto Token CNC Price Gains 50% as DeFi Platform Conic Finance Plots Return After Hack

According to the governance post, the protocol will hold voting in two days about the list of supported Omnipool assets, whitelisted Curve pools for each Omnipool and initial liquidity allocation weights. Once the votes conclude, a separate governance proposal about the v2 deployment will include new features, reimbursement schemes and incentives. Source link

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Q Protocol to Apply International Court of Arbitration Rules to DeFi Disputes in a Sign of Growing Industry Maturity

“The participants in the Q ecosystem (13 projects have signed on to use the services) are parties to the private contract that is the Q Constitution,” Biagosch said. “They have agreed therein that the ICC Court of Arbitration shall, based on the Q Constitution and through its rules of procedure, be the only mechanism to…

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