Breaking News


Giant polygon rock patterns may be buried deep below Mars’ surface

Enormous polygon patterns in rock lie dozens of meters below Mars’ surface, ground-penetrating radar data suggest. Similar patterns develop on the surface in Earth’s polar regions when icy sediments cool and contract. A comparable process long ago may have created the shapes on Mars, found near the planet’s dry equator, researchers report November 23 in…

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Can Rock Dust Soak Up Carbon Emissions? A Giant Experiment Is Set to Find Out

Mary Yap has spent the last year and a half trying to get farmers to fall in love with basalt. The volcanic rock is chock full of nutrients, captured as its crystal structure forms from cooling magma, and can make soil less acidic. In that way it’s like limestone, which farmers often use to improve…

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Sand-dwelling fungi discovered and named after Dune's giant sandworms

One of four newly described species of “stalked puffball” fungi from Hungary’s Pannonian steppe erupts out of the sand like the iconic Shai-Hulud Source link

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