Breaking News


Arbitrum Throws Hat In Ring for Celo’s Migration to Layer-2 Blockchain

A notable fact about Arbitrum is that it’s the largest layer-2 based on the key metric of “total value locked,” or TVL, which represents deposits locked into decentralized-finance protocols on any given network. The figure currently stands at $8.4 billion for the Arbitrum One network, according to the website L2Beat, almost double No. 2 OP…

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Polygon to Offer Data Solution Celestia as Option for New Layer-2 Developers

Ethereum has its own roadmap for handling data, including an initial step known as “proto-danksharding,” but developers of the blockchain have been slow to realize the plan, and in the meantime several independent networks like Celestia, EigenLayer’s EigenDA, Avail and even the rival layer-1 blockchain NEAR have sprung up to provide their own data-availability solutions….

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