Breaking News


Ledger Exploit Drained $484K, Upended DeFi; Former Staffer Linked to Malicious Code

Although Ledger has updated its own code, Ido Ben-Natan, the CEO of blockchain security firm Blockaid told CoinDesk in a Telegram message that “many websites are still affected and users are getting hit.” For the risk to be completely mitigated, every protocol using Ledger’s Connect Kit has to manually update their version of the library….

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Hacker Group Linked to Russian Military Claims Credit for Cyberattack on Kyivstar

Over nearly a decade, the hacker group within Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency known as Sandworm has launched some of the most disruptive cyberattacks in history against Ukraine’s power grids, financial system, media, and government agencies. Signs now point to that same usual suspect being responsible for sabotaging a major mobile provider for the country,…

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Having children earlier in life is genetically linked to dying younger

There seems to be a link between the age you have children and your lifespan Halfpoint Images/Getty Images People who are genetically predisposed to having children earlier in life are less likely to live to the age of 76, according to an analysis of more than 270,000 people’s genomes. Why we age is one of…

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