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Rulematch, a Swiss Crypto Exchange for Banks, Goes Live With Spain’s BBVA Among Its Clients

“The crypto spot market is really dominated by players which do not really fulfill the very high requirements of a regulated participant,” CEO David Riegelnig said in an interview. “Primarily, the mix of functions that so-called crypto exchanges typically do, which makes them much more of a broker than actual exchange, was what triggered us…

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Epic v. Google: everything we’re learning live in Fortnite court

“Impairment means something is there, it’s being used, it just isn’t as good. Prevented means you shut it down.” Epic’s expert Bernheim argues that Google’s expert Gentzkow “ignores four critical aspects of Google’s conduct,” including: 1. Google impairs competition without preventing it entirely 2. Google’s conduct targets comeptition as it emerges 3. Google is dominant…

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Galaxy-Backed Gyroscope’s Decentralized Stablecoin GYD Goes Live on Ethereum (ETH) Mainnet

Backing assets are stablecoins deployed in certain strategies such as yield-generating sDAI and USDC in Flux, and also support automated market-making (AMM) strategies like LUSD and crvUSD. As the stablecoin scales, the reserve has been designed to a large variety of strategies and assets, the Gyroscope team explained. Source link

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