Breaking News


Spanish horses found a home in Patagonia long before Europeans did

Hunter-gatherers in southernmost South America integrated horses with Spanish pedigrees into their societies around 400 years ago, long before Europeans occupied that region, a new study suggests. Analyses of horse remains uncovered at Chorrillo Grande 1, a site in Argentina’s Patagonian region, indicate that locals raised and ate transatlantic equines by the early 1600s, say…

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Long covid: What we now know about its causes and possible treatments

FOR many of us, the covid-19 pandemic is fading into memory. But for millions of people, that isn’t possible as they are still unwell. An illness that is often brief and mild is, for some, the start of a rollercoaster of symptoms that can last years. Today, around 65 million people may have long covid….

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Governments must stay in it for the long haul on long covid research

Bryan Olin Dozier/NurPhoto/Shutterstock IT HAS been nearly four years since the covid-19 pandemic began, and many of us would love to forget all about it. But there are millions for whom that is impossible. For them, covid-19 still looms large due to lingering symptoms that remain months, even years, after the initial infection. Thankfully, interest…

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