Breaking News


“We offer another place for knowledge” | MIT News

In the Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi, Jospin Hassan didn’t have access to the education opportunities he sought. So, he decided to create his own.  Hassan knew the booming fields of data science and artificial intelligence could bring job opportunities to his community and help solve local challenges. After earning a spot in the 2020-21…

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Shiba Inu Working With Web3 Domain Firm D3 to Soon Offer ‘.shib’ Domain

Every internet domain application is passed and vetted by ICANN, giving its owners the right to sell all of the domains within a specific suffix, such as “.xyz” or “.app.” While crypto domains attempt to take this a step further – tying a wallet’s owner to a domain name that can be used as proof…

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Elastos’ BeL2 Blockchain Looks to Offer Staking, Smart Contracts

BeL2 will allow more sophisticated bitcoin transactions than the base Bitcoin blockchain, including smart contracts and irreversible digital agreements, Elastos developers told CoinDesk. The smart contracts can be defined, managed, tracked and modified wholly on Bitcoin without needing an intermediary. Source link

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Polygon to Offer Data Solution Celestia as Option for New Layer-2 Developers

Ethereum has its own roadmap for handling data, including an initial step known as “proto-danksharding,” but developers of the blockchain have been slow to realize the plan, and in the meantime several independent networks like Celestia, EigenLayer’s EigenDA, Avail and even the rival layer-1 blockchain NEAR have sprung up to provide their own data-availability solutions….

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