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OpenAI calls Elon Musk’s lawsuit claims ‘incoherent’

OpenAI has hit back at Elon Musk’s lawsuit, deeming his claims “convoluted — often incoherent — factual premises.” Musk’s lawsuit accuses OpenAI of breaching its non-profit status and reneging on a founding agreement to keep the organisation non-profit and release its AI technology publicly. However, OpenAI has refuted these allegations, stating that there is no…

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OpenAI announces new board lineup and governance structure

OpenAI has announced a refreshed board of directors and new governance structure following recent turmoil that saw CEO Sam Altman ousted, briefly recruited by Microsoft, and then quickly reinstated at the AI research company. In a statement, OpenAI said Altman will rejoin the board alongside three new independent directors: Sue Desmond-Hellmann, former CEO of the…

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OpenAI Announces ChatGPT Is Getting a Huge Memory Upgrade

While AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Gemini may impress with their ability to read and write, they’re not perfect. Along with their habit to hallucinate and their pernicious issues with bias, the technology also has a pretty basic problem holding it back: memory. Anyone who has played around with ChatGPT for more than a few…

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Elon Musk sues OpenAI over alleged breach of nonprofit agreement

Elon Musk has filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and its CEO, Sam Altman, citing a violation of their nonprofit agreement. The legal battle, unfolding in the Superior Court of California for the County of San Francisco, revolves around OpenAI’s departure from its foundational mission of advancing open-source artificial general intelligence (AGI) for the betterment of…

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OpenAI rolls out ChatGPT memory to select users

OpenAI has begun rolling out memory capabilities to a select number of ChatGPT users this week. Memory will allow the conversational agent to recall details from previous chats in order to provide more personalised and contextually relevant responses.  According to OpenAI, ChatGPT’s memory will improve over time as users interact with it more. For example,…

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OpenAI and Common Sense Media will promote safe AI use by families

OpenAI has announced a partnership with nonprofit Common Sense Media to educate families on responsible AI use. Leaders from both organisations shared the news onstage at the Common Sense Summit for America’s Kids and Families. Through the collaboration, OpenAI and Common Sense aim to empower parents, educators, and teens to use AI tools safely and…

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OpenAI releases new models and lowers API pricing

OpenAI has announced several updates that will benefit developers using its AI services, including new embedding models, a lower price for GPT-3.5 Turbo, an updated GPT-4 Turbo preview, and more robust content moderation capabilities. The San Francisco-based AI lab said its new text-embedding-3-small and text-embedding-3-large models offer upgraded performance over previous generations. For example, text-embedding-3-large…

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OpenAI suspends developer of politician-impersonating chatbot

OpenAI has suspended the developer responsible for Dean.Bot, a ChatGPT-powered chatbot designed to impersonate Democratic presidential candidate Dean Phillips. The bot, created by “cloning” startup Delphi, aimed to support Phillips in his political campaign. However, this move directly contradicts OpenAI’s policies, leading to the suspension of the responsible developer. The Washington Post reported that, despite…

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OpenAI launches GPT Store for custom AI assistants

OpenAI has launched its new GPT Store providing users with access to custom AI assistants. Since the announcement of custom ‘GPTs’ two months ago, OpenAI says users have already created over three million custom assistants. Builders can now share their creations in the dedicated store. The store features assistants focused on a wide range of…

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How to Stop Another OpenAI Meltdown

Unlike OpenAI, Mozilla’s nonprofit cannot fire executives in charge of for-profit work. Each for-profit unit has its own board, with members annually selected by the nonprofit foundation’s board. “It’s different jobs, it’s a different mix of skills,” Surman says. “If you have different functions, it makes sense to have a separation of powers.” The different…

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