Breaking News


FTX Files Reorganization Plan to End Bankruptcy

In the new proposal, creditor and customer claims are classed according to the priority the estate plans to give them, and the value of claims will be calculated based on asset prices as of the date the company filed for bankruptcy. In a separate statement, the estate said the plan was designed to “maximize and…

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Nations’ plan to ‘transition’ from fossil fuels is too slow, experts say

Days of contentious wrangling in Dubai at the United Nations’ 28th annual climate summit ended December 13 with a historic agreement to “transition away” from fossil fuels and accelerate climate action over the next decade. The organization touted the agreement as a moment of global solidarity, marking “the beginning of the end” of the fossil…

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OpenAI’s Ilya Sutskever Has a Plan for Keeping Super-Intelligent AI in Check

OpenAI was founded on a promise to build artificial intelligence that benefits all of humanity—even when that AI becomes considerably smarter than its creators. Since the debut of ChatGPT last year and during the company’s recent governance crisis, its commercial ambitions have been more prominent. Now, the company says a new research group working on…

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Celestia, Blockchain Data Solution, Sees TIA Token Surge as Polygon Plan Announced

On-chain activity on Celestia remains muted despite the rise of TIA. There has been 872,700 transactions on the Celestia blockchain since it went live on Oct. 31, with 362,000 of those being added over the past 30-days. Its monthly rolling average is at around 12,000. Source link

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Can the EU's plan to regulate AI keep up with rapidly evolving tech?

The European Union is finalising its AI Act, which attempts to regulate the use of artificial intelligence, but it isn’t clear that the legislation can keep pace with the cutting edge of technology Source link

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