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Stolen planet could be hiding on the edge of our solar system

When the sun was young, it may have stolen a planet from another nearby star – meaning an exoplanet could be waiting on the outer edges of the solar system for us to discover Source link

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50 years ago, astronomers challenged claims that Barnard’s star has a planet

For decades, scientists and science fiction authors have speculated about whether Barnard’s star, the fastest moving star in the night sky and just six light-years from the sun, might host a planet (one illustrated). M. Kornmesser/ESO No planet for Barnard’s star? — Science News, December 1, 1973 Over the years evidence has been brought forward for planetary…

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Tiny star found harbouring a huge planet that shouldn’t exist

An artist’s rendering of the view from LHS 3154b towards its tiny host star Penn State An enormous planet orbiting a tiny star may break our ideas about planet formation. Astronomers have found a world more than 13 times as massive as Earth orbiting a star nine times less massive than the sun, and our…

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