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The biggest science news stories of 2023 as chosen by New Scientist

The spiral galaxy M51, as viewed by the James Webb Space Telescope ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, A. Adamo (Stockholm University)/FEAST JWST team From extraordinary heat to stunning space imagery, New Scientist has brought you extensive coverage of the biggest developments, discoveries and events in science, technology, health and environment in 2023. Here is our recap…

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Alastair Reynolds: An exclusive short story for New Scientist

It was a foggy December, colder than usual. An old woman waded through the shallows of a concrete-bound river. She wore overalls and a breather mask, a meshwork hopper slung over her back. She leaned hard on two sticks, one with a grabber on the end, the other a net. At intervals, she scooped some…

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A computer scientist pushes the boundaries of geometry | MIT News

More than 2,000 years ago, the Greek mathematician Euclid, known to many as the father of geometry, changed the way we think about shapes. Building off those ancient foundations and millennia of mathematical progress since, Justin Solomon is using modern geometric techniques to solve thorny problems that often seem to have nothing to do with…

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