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Stability AI previews Stable Diffusion 3 text-to-image model

London-based AI lab Stability AI has announced an early preview of its new text-to-image model, Stable Diffusion 3. The advanced generative AI model aims to create high-quality images from text prompts with improved performance across several key areas. The announcement comes just days after Stability AI’s largest rival, OpenAI, unveiled Sora—a brand new AI model…

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Stability AI releases Stable Code 3B for enhanced coding assistance

Stability AI has announced the release of Stable Code 3B, an upgraded three billion parameter AI system for automatic code generation and completion. With enhancements like larger context size and improved completion quality, Stable Code 3B aims to push the boundaries of AI-assisted software development. At just three billion parameters, Stable Code 3B is designed…

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Major NFT Indicies Stable After NFT Trader Hack

Bored Ape Yacht Club and Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFTs were returned to their owners after Yuga Labs’ Greg Solano and Boring Security DAO paid a bounty. Source link

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