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50 years ago, astronomers challenged claims that Barnard’s star has a planet

For decades, scientists and science fiction authors have speculated about whether Barnard’s star, the fastest moving star in the night sky and just six light-years from the sun, might host a planet (one illustrated). M. Kornmesser/ESO No planet for Barnard’s star? — Science News, December 1, 1973 Over the years evidence has been brought forward for planetary…

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From Star Wars to Hitchhiker’s – how to make the best drinks in sci-fi

THE most effective science fiction creates an entire world you can imagine living in – and a world I want to live in needs delicious drinks. Think of the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, created by Douglas Adams in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and described as the best drink in existence. No matter that…

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Tiny star found harbouring a huge planet that shouldn’t exist

An artist’s rendering of the view from LHS 3154b towards its tiny host star Penn State An enormous planet orbiting a tiny star may break our ideas about planet formation. Astronomers have found a world more than 13 times as massive as Earth orbiting a star nine times less massive than the sun, and our…

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Passing star could fling Earth out past Pluto into the Oort cloud

Could Earth end up in the Oort cloud? Shutterstock / Dotted Yeti If a passing star came near the solar system, Earth would probably be fine – but there is a small chance our entire world could get thrown to the outer reaches of the solar system, crash into another planet or even get stolen…

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