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This tiny, tamper-proof ID tag can authenticate almost anything | MIT News

A few years ago, MIT researchers invented a cryptographic ID tag that is several times smaller and significantly cheaper than the traditional radio frequency tags (RFIDs) that are often affixed to products to verify their authenticity. This tiny tag, which offers improved security over RFIDs, utilizes terahertz waves, which are smaller and travel much faster…

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Sphere packing: Tiny balls fit best inside a sausage, physicists confirm

Simulations show microscopic plastic balls within a cell membrane Marín-Aguilar, S., Camerin, F., van der Ham, S. et al. 2023 What is the most space-efficient way to pack tennis balls or oranges? Mathematicians have studied this “sphere-packing” problem for centuries, but surprisingly little attention has been paid to replicating the results in the real world….

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How tiny red stars can test ideas about the origin of life

A survey of small, cool stars is helping to narrow in on the conditions that might set the stage for life beyond our solar system. A look at about 200 ultracool dwarf stars shows that they lack sufficient ultraviolet light intensity to have the potential to jump-start life, researchers report December 1 in the Monthly…

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Tiny star found harbouring a huge planet that shouldn’t exist

An artist’s rendering of the view from LHS 3154b towards its tiny host star Penn State An enormous planet orbiting a tiny star may break our ideas about planet formation. Astronomers have found a world more than 13 times as massive as Earth orbiting a star nine times less massive than the sun, and our…

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