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OpenAI Announces ChatGPT Is Getting a Huge Memory Upgrade

While AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Gemini may impress with their ability to read and write, they’re not perfect. Along with their habit to hallucinate and their pernicious issues with bias, the technology also has a pretty basic problem holding it back: memory. Anyone who has played around with ChatGPT for more than a few…

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Bitcoin Core’s ‘v26.0’ Upgrade Aims to Impede Eavesdropping, Tampering

“This proposal for a new P2P protocol version (v2) aims to improve upon this by raising the costs for performing these attacks substantially, primarily through the use of unauthenticated, opportunistic transport encryption,” according to the proposal. A key benefit is that “encryption, even when it is unauthenticated and only used when both endpoints support v2,…

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