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Author: 0knmk

Grimes has a new line of AI plush toys, including one named Grok

The musician Grimes has developed an interactive AI plush toy for children which can converse with and “learn” the personalities of their owners. Grimes and toy company Curio created the line of toys in partnership with OpenAI, as first reported by The Washington Post. Grimes, who voices all three toys, is also an investor and advisor…

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as últimas notícias tecnológicas em criptografia e blockchain

14 de dezembro: LayerZero Labs , um desenvolvedor de blockchain, lançou sua atualização “V2” do LayerZero, um protocolo para enviar mensagens entre blockchains, na testnet, de acordo com um comunicado de imprensa: “V2 é uma atualização de protocolo que aumenta os recursos de personalização para segurança de dApps e como as transações são executadas, além…

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AI meets climate: MIT Energy and Climate Hack 2023 | MIT News

The MIT Energy and Climate Hack brought together participants from myriad fields and disciplines to develop rapid, innovative solutions to one of the most complex challenges facing society today: the global energy and climate crisis. Hundreds of students from MIT and colleges across the globe convened on MIT’s campus and virtually for this year’s event, which…

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Cyanide in the ocean of Saturn’s moon Enceladus could be good for life

An illustration of NASA’s Cassini spacecraft diving through the plumes of Saturn’s moon Enceladus NASA/JPL-Caltech The plumes of water vapour erupting from the surface of Enceladus seem to contain hydrogen cyanide, which – perhaps counter-intuitively – is a sign that the the ocean that lies beneath the surface of this icy moon of Saturn could be…

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Apple is making a Murderbot series starring Alexander Skarsgård

If you haven’t read the books — you can check out our review right here — Apple says the adaption is “about a self-hacking security android who is horrified by human emotion yet drawn to its vulnerable ‘clients.’” In the show, “Murderbot must hide its free will and complete a dangerous assignment when all it…

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Crypto-Friendly Does Not Mean Crypto-Easy

U.S. crypto regulation has much to learn from Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong. But while these jurisdictions offer legal clarity around digital assets, they also have some of the toughest rules in the world, says CoinDesk’s Emily Parker. Source link

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DeepMind AI with built-in fact-checker makes mathematical discoveries

DeepMind’s FunSearch AI can tackle mathematical problems alengo/Getty Images Google DeepMind claims to have made the first ever scientific discovery with an AI chatbot by building a fact-checker to filter out useless outputs, leaving only reliable solutions to mathematical or computing problems. Previous DeepMind achievements, such as using AI to predict the weather or protein…

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Netflix’s Yu Yu Hakusho needed more time in the spirit world

When Netflix’s One Piece launched to generally favorable reviews and fan enthusiasm, it gave me hope that the same quality and care that went into it would go into its other adaptation of a seminal work in shonen anime: Yu Yu Hakusho. With the show finally available, my hope was woefully misplaced. Netflix took one…

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TradFi aposta tudo nos cortes das taxas do Fed. O que isso significa para o Bitcoin

O Fed sinalizou ontem que uma política monetária muito mais fácil está reservada para 2024. Source link

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Two books to write and the universe to decipher – 2024’s gonna be busy

Beatriz Nascimento National Archive of Brazil/Courtesy The Beatriz Nascimento Foundation THIS year I made what may have been a mistake: I agreed to write two books. And having written that sentence, I feel compelled to reassure both of my editors (should they see this column) that all is totally fine, I am on top of…

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