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Aimed at big data and analytics industry professionals, leaders and innovators, and the movers and shakers in the industry, the Analytics Insight magazine features real and timely information for this trending sector. The digital and web magazine showcases a quality enterprise big data and analytics coverage with interviews, articles, and commentary.

GPT-4 developer tool can be exploited for misuse with no easy fix

OpenAI’s developer tool for its GPT-4 large language model can be misused to trick the AI into providing information to aid would-be terrorists, and fixing the problem won’t be easy Source link

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Passing star could fling Earth out past Pluto into the Oort cloud

Could Earth end up in the Oort cloud? Shutterstock / Dotted Yeti If a passing star came near the solar system, Earth would probably be fine – but there is a small chance our entire world could get thrown to the outer reaches of the solar system, crash into another planet or even get stolen…

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Why does weed give you the ‘munchies’? Here’s what the science says

Many people feel hungry after consuming cannabis SolStock/Getty Images If you have ever lit up a joint and craved a snack soon afterwards, you were probably experiencing the “munchies”. Stimulating appetite is one of marijuana’s best-known and most puzzling side effects. But why does weed make you want to chow down? The psychoactive compound in…

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COP28: How big a problem are methane and other non-CO2 greenhouse gases?

Fossil fuel production emits a majority of human-caused methane Evgenii Panov/Shutterstock Carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas under fire at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. On 2 December, the UAE, the US and China are convening other countries for a meeting focused on methane and other “non-CO2” greenhouse gases,…

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Largest stream of stars ever found could teach us about dark matter

The black streak is the newly discovered Giant Coma Stream, which is ten times as long as the Milky Way William Herschel Telescope/Román et al. Astronomers have found the biggest stream of stars ever recorded. This tendril of stars is extraordinarily faint, but it and others like it could eventually help us unveil the true…

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Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles

Ultrasound can be used to send vaccine molecules through the skin Andrey Zhernovoy/Shutterstock Vaccines can be delivered through the skin using ultrasound. This method doesn’t damage the skin and eliminates the need for painful needles. To create a needle-free vaccine, Darcy Dunn-Lawless at the University of Oxford and his colleagues mixed vaccine molecules with tiny,…

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IBM’s ‘Condor’ quantum computer has more than 1000 qubits

IBM’s quantum computers like Condor and Heron must be kept in an elaborate device called Quantum System Two which keeps them extremely cold Ryan Lavine for IBM Today, IBM unveiled two new quantum computers. The bigger of the two, dubbed Condor, is the second ever to have a total number of quantum bits, or qubits,…

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Rare gene variants can change your height by up to 7 centimetres

Our height is mainly influenced by our genetics rather than environmental factors, such as nutrition AHPhotoswpg/Getty Images Nearly 30 rare gene variants that decrease people’s height by up to 7 centimetres, or raise it by up to 5 cm, have been discovered by analysing the genomes of more than 300,000 individuals. “The variants I found,…

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China’s first underwater data centre is being installed

To hold and cool computer servers, China has installed a 1300-tonne watertight cabin on the shallow seafloor – it is the first of 100 planned for an underwater data centre Source link

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Josh Bongard interview: The roboticist who wants to bring AI into contact with the real world

WHO’S in charge, your brain or your body? The answer may seem obvious, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest that our physiology has dramatically affected the way we think. This idea of embodied cognition could hold important lessons for those trying to build genuinely intelligent machines – artificial intelligences that learn and think and can generalise their knowledge to all manner of tasks,…

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