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Vaping vs edibles: How does the way we use cannabis alter its effects?

Cannabis edibles offer a different way to consume the drug Shutterstock/Brian Goodman For people who want their cannabis without the smoke, edibles provide an increasingly popular alternative. And it isn’t just pot brownies, either. Gummies, tinctures and other products can be laced with the drug. “The availability of different types of products makes it so…

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Brain implant could ease the effects of a traumatic injury years later

The device was implanted into the thalamus (highlighted), a region deep in the brain that is linked to alertness, learning and memory SEBASTIAN KAULITZKI/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Getty Images An implant that stimulates a region deep in the brain may boost cognitive function in people with traumatic brain injuries long after the incident occurred. This is based…

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The placebo effect means painkillers may work better with side effects

The placebo effect occurs if a person experiences a medical benefit from the belief that they have had a health treatment Iryna Imago/Shutterstock Drug side effects may not always be a bad thing, for painkillers at least. An inert nasal spray that was presented as having painkilling properties was deemed more effective when it caused…

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