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Ledger Exploit Drained $484K, Upended DeFi; Former Staffer Linked to Malicious Code

Although Ledger has updated its own code, Ido Ben-Natan, the CEO of blockchain security firm Blockaid told CoinDesk in a Telegram message that “many websites are still affected and users are getting hit.” For the risk to be completely mitigated, every protocol using Ledger’s Connect Kit has to manually update their version of the library….

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What We Know About the Massive Ledger Hack

It’s not yet known how many decentralized apps (dapps) were/are affected, or how much money has been lost. Anecdotal reports on social media suggest the exploit is widespread. Blockaid, a blockchain security firm, said upwards of $150,000 in crypto had been lost due to this unique “supply chain attack” on Ledger’s Connect Kit, which is…

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