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Using AI, MIT researchers identify a new class of antibiotic candidates | MIT News

Using a type of artificial intelligence known as deep learning, MIT researchers have discovered a class of compounds that can kill a drug-resistant bacterium that causes more than 10,000 deaths in the United States every year. In a study appearing today in Nature, the researchers showed that these compounds could kill methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)…

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A flexible solution to help artists improve animation | MIT News

Artists who bring to life heroes and villains in animated movies and video games could have more control over their animations, thanks to a new technique introduced by MIT researchers. Their method generates mathematical functions known as barycentric coordinates, which define how 2D and 3D shapes can bend, stretch, and move through space. For example,…

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Maximising value from real-time data streams

As digital transformation accelerates across industries, more and more companies are recognising the untapped value in their real-time data streams. Enterprise streaming analytics firm Streambased aims to help organisations extract impactful business insights from these continuous flows of operational event data. In an interview at the recent AI & Big Data Expo, Streambased founder and…

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Ethics, governance and data for good at the AI & Big Data Expo

AI is more than a trend and it’s also not a specialist space anymore. This year, the topic was embedded across the tech conference calendar in London—with every event packed full of people keen to learn and share their experiences. The AI & Big Data Expo stood out for its great mixture of speakers, not…

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10 exceptional AI marketing campaign examples

In the ever-changing realm of digital marketing, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a revolutionary force, transforming raw data into marketing gold. This blog delves into the transformative impact of AI in marketing, exploring its diverse applications and showcasing ten exceptional AI marketing campaigns that have set the benchmark for innovation. The adoption of AI…

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Ethical AI integration and future trends

Grace Zheng, Data Analyst at Canon and Founder of Kosh Duo, recently sat down for an interview with AI News during AI & Big Data Expo Global to discuss integrating AI ethically as well as provide her insights around future trends.  Zheng first explained how over a decade working in digital marketing and e-commerce sparked…

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Image recognition accuracy: An unseen challenge confounding today’s AI | MIT News

Imagine you are scrolling through the photos on your phone and you come across an image that at first you can’t recognize. It looks like maybe something fuzzy on the couch; could it be a pillow or a coat? After a couple of seconds it clicks — of course! That ball of fluff is your…

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Unlocking the potential of AI on edge devices

In an interview at AI & Big Data Expo, Alessandro Grande, Head of Product at Edge Impulse, discussed issues around developing machine learning models for resource-constrained edge devices and how to overcome them. During the discussion, Grande provided insightful perspectives on the current challenges, how Edge Impulse is helping address these struggles, and the tremendous…

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Computational model captures the elusive transition states of chemical reactions | MIT News

During a chemical reaction, molecules gain energy until they reach what’s known as the transition state — a point of no return from which the reaction must proceed. This state is so fleeting that it’s nearly impossible to observe it experimentally. The structures of these transition states can be calculated using techniques based on quantum…

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AI meets climate: MIT Energy and Climate Hack 2023 | MIT News

The MIT Energy and Climate Hack brought together participants from myriad fields and disciplines to develop rapid, innovative solutions to one of the most complex challenges facing society today: the global energy and climate crisis. Hundreds of students from MIT and colleges across the globe convened on MIT’s campus and virtually for this year’s event, which…

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