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UK and US sign pact to develop AI safety tests

The UK and US have signed a landmark agreement to collaborate on developing rigorous testing for advanced AI systems, representing a major step forward in ensuring their safe deployments. The Memorandum of Understanding – signed Monday by UK Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan and US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo – establishes a partnership to align the…

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UK and Canada sign AI compute agreement

The UK and Canada have signed a landmark agreement to collaborate on the computing power needed to advance AI research and development.  The new Memorandum of Understanding on compute was signed in Ottawa by UK Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan and Canadian Minister for Innovation, Science and Industry François-Phillippe Champagne. It cements the two countries’ partnership…

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Q Protocol to Apply International Court of Arbitration Rules to DeFi Disputes in a Sign of Growing Industry Maturity

“The participants in the Q ecosystem (13 projects have signed on to use the services) are parties to the private contract that is the Q Constitution,” Biagosch said. “They have agreed therein that the ICC Court of Arbitration shall, based on the Q Constitution and through its rules of procedure, be the only mechanism to…

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