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Aimed at big data and analytics industry professionals, leaders and innovators, and the movers and shakers in the industry, the Analytics Insight magazine features real and timely information for this trending sector. The digital and web magazine showcases a quality enterprise big data and analytics coverage with interviews, articles, and commentary.

Honeyguide birds respond to special calls from human honey-hunters

A Yao honey-hunter in Mozambique holds a honeyguide bird Claire Spottiswoode People from multiple cultures in Africa have unique sounds that they use to communicate with honeyguide birds, and the birds recognise these signals as an invitation to cooperate. Greater honeyguides (Indicator indicator) lead humans to bees’ nests so that honey-hunters will break them open….

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Ancient climate analysis suggests CO2 causes more warming than thought

Illustration of Earth 65 million years ago, when CO2 levels were much higher than those of today CHRIS BUTLER/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY It is possibly the toughest question in climate science: how much warming does carbon dioxide cause? A new analysis of 66 million years of Earth’s climate history suggests the planet is much more sensitive…

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Quantum computer sets record on path towards error-free calculations

A quantum computer built by researchers at Harvard and QuEra is a step towards practical devices QuEra Another quantum computing record has been broken. A team has built a quantum computer with the largest ever number of so-called logical qubits, or quantum bits. Unlike standard qubits, logical qubits are better able to carry out computations…

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Genetic errors are behind more than two thirds of early miscarriages

An ultrasound scan can usually determine if someone has had a miscarriage Zoriana Zaitseva/Shutterstock More than two-thirds of early miscarriages seem to be due to abnormal chromosomes, the packages of DNA within all our cells, in the embryo or fetus. The remaining third are probably also largely due to genetic factors, which we may not…

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Insects thrive on solar farms planted with native flowers

Two solar farms in Minnesota saw big increases in bees and other insects after a variety of native grasses and wildlfowers were planted among the panels Source link

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Seams on a baseball shift its trajectory by unexpectedly large amount

When a baseball is tilted and spinning just right, its raised, hand-stitched seams skew the process by which its wake is created and radically shift its trajectory in the air Source link

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Unusual dark hedgehog from eastern China is new to science

The new-to-science hedgehog species has darker brown fur and spines, as well as slightly larger ears, than the European hedgehog ZooKeys Scientists have identified a new species of hedgehog: a dark brown creature that dwells in the forests of eastern China. In 2018, Kai He at Guangzhou University, China, and his colleagues stumbled across some mysterious-looking…

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Uganda is planning a massive clean energy expansion – paid for by oil

Uganda announced a plan at COP28 to use oil revenues to fund a rapid expansion of clean energy across the east African country Source link

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The ten best sci-fi films about AI according to an expert: Wall-E, Her, The Imitation Game

“Poses big questions about what it means to be human” … WALL-E Alamy Stock Photo Hollywood has a lot to answer for in shaping and often misinforming public discourse around artificial intelligence. In my work as an ethics fellow at The Alan Turing Institute – the UK’s national institute for data science and AI –…

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Sand-dwelling fungi discovered and named after Dune's giant sandworms

One of four newly described species of “stalked puffball” fungi from Hungary’s Pannonian steppe erupts out of the sand like the iconic Shai-Hulud Source link

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