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Most work is new work, long-term study of U.S. census data shows | MIT News

This is part 1 of a two-part MIT News feature examining new job creation in the U.S. since 1940, based on new research from Ford Professor of Economics David Autor. Part 2 is available here. In 1900, Orville and Wilbur Wright listed their occupations as “Merchant, bicycle” on the U.S. census form. Three years later,…

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Researchers create “The Consensus Game” to elevate AI’s text comprehension and generation skills | MIT News

Imagine you and a friend are playing a game where your goal is to communicate secret messages to each other using only cryptic sentences. Your friend’s job is to guess the secret message behind your sentences. Sometimes, you give clues directly, and other times, your friend has to guess the message by asking yes-or-no questions…

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MIT launches Working Group on Generative AI and the Work of the Future | MIT News

From students crafting essays and engineers writing code to call center operators responding to customers, generative artificial intelligence tools have prompted a wave of experimentation over the past year. At MIT, these experiments have raised questions — some new, some ages old — about how these tools can change the way we live and work. …

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Databricks claims DBRX sets ‘a new standard’ for open-source LLMs

Databricks has announced the launch of DBRX, a powerful new open-source large language model that it claims sets a new bar for open models by outperforming established options like GPT-3.5 on industry benchmarks.  The company says the 132 billion parameter DBRX model surpasses popular open-source LLMs like LLaMA 2 70B, Mixtral, and Grok-1 across language…

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Second round of seed grants awarded to MIT scholars studying the impact and applications of generative AI | MIT News

Last summer, MIT President Sally Kornbluth and Provost Cynthia Barnhart issued a call for papers to “articulate effective roadmaps, policy recommendations, and calls for action across the broad domain of generative AI.” The response to the call far exceeded expectations with 75 proposals submitted. Of those, 27 proposals were selected for seed funding. In light…

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8M UK careers at risk of ‘job apocalypse’ from AI

A report by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) sheds light on the potential impact of AI on the UK job market. The study warns of an imminent ‘job apocalypse’, threatening to engulf over eight million careers across the nation, unless swift government intervention is enacted. The report identifies two key stages of generative…

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Large language models could ‘revolutionsise the finance sector within two years’

Large Language Models (LLMs) have the potential to improve efficiency and safety in the finance sector by detecting fraud, generating financial insights and automating customer service, according to research by The Alan Turing Institute. Because LLMs have an ability to analyse large amounts of data quickly and generate coherent text, there is growing understanding of…

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MIT-derived algorithm helps forecast the frequency of extreme weather | MIT News

To assess a community’s risk of extreme weather, policymakers rely first on global climate models that can be run decades, and even centuries, forward in time, but only at a coarse resolution. These models might be used to gauge, for instance, future climate conditions for the northeastern U.S., but not specifically for Boston. To estimate…

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STFC Hartree Centre signs agreement with Lenovo for state-of-the-art supercomputer

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), a UK government agency that carries out research in science and engineering, has signed an agreement with Lenovo for the installation of a powerful new supercomputer for the STFC Hartree Centre. Ten times more powerful than its predecessor, but using less electricity thanks to Lenovo’s direct water cooling,…

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Stanhope raises £2.3m for AI that teaches machines to ‘make human-like decisions’

Stanhope AI – a company applying decades of neuroscience research to teach machines how to make human-like decisions in the real world – has raised £2.3m in seed funding led by the UCL Technology Fund. Creator Fund also participated, along with, MMC Ventures, Moonfire Ventures and Rockmount Capital and leading angel investors.  Stanhope AI was…

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