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Aimed at big data and analytics industry professionals, leaders and innovators, and the movers and shakers in the industry, the Analytics Insight magazine features real and timely information for this trending sector. The digital and web magazine showcases a quality enterprise big data and analytics coverage with interviews, articles, and commentary.

End Times: Why reports that Western civilisation will soon collapse are premature

ANCIENT Egypt, the Roman Empire, the Maya, China’s Qing dynasty – these civilisations all shone brightly in their time. Yet, in every case, the glory days were followed by collapse. This seems to be the inevitable trajectory of any culture. What’s more, it looks like Western civilisation is experiencing this fate right now. Signs of crisis are…

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Major climate tipping points could be triggered within a decade

Warming oceans could lead to the mass die-off of tropical coral reefs Helmut Corneli / Alamy The climate has warmed so much that we are already at risk of triggering five global “tipping points” that would have catastrophic effects worldwide and couldn’t be reversed easily if at all, according to a major report. As the…

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Locusts spun in a centrifuge develop extra-strong exoskeletons

Locust with a backpack that helped apply mechanical stress to the exoskeleton Jan-Henning Dirks When the gravity acting on them is increased, locusts adapt. Locusts placed in a centrifuge to mimic the conditions of hypergravity grew tougher legs than those living normally – but not all of them survived the process. Many biological materials, such…

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We can trigger positive tipping points to cut carbon emissions faster

The rapid growth of solar energy in recent years can be seen as a positive tipping point Henry Do/Solent News/Shutterstock There are tipping points in technological, economic, political and social systems that could lead to carbon emissions falling faster if triggered, according to a major report. The authors of the Global Tipping Points Report are…

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Roo-ver: Australia’s first moon rover has name chosen in public vote

An early impression of how Roo-ver might look Australian Space Agency It hasn’t been built yet and it won’t be hopping like its namesake, the kangaroo, but Australia’s first moon rover has officially been dubbed Roo-ver. More than 8000 suggestions were submitted in a nationwide competition and 20,000 people voted from a shortlist of four…

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Gesturing as you talk may help you speak a new language like a local

Hand gestures may help you stress syllables that should be emphasised as you learn a new language Fiordaliso/Getty Images If you’re learning a new language, making pronounced hand gestures could help you emphasise the correct parts of words. In some languages, certain syllables within words are pronounced with markedly more weight than others, known as…

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How bad is vaping for your health? We’re finally getting answers

AS THE old joke goes, when I read about the dangers of smoking, I gave up reading. If you are a vaper, you might feel like you want to stop reading now. Don’t: you need to know this. I am a vaper. Like many others, I used to smoke and switched to vaping for health reasons….

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The placebo effect means painkillers may work better with side effects

The placebo effect occurs if a person experiences a medical benefit from the belief that they have had a health treatment Iryna Imago/Shutterstock Drug side effects may not always be a bad thing, for painkillers at least. An inert nasal spray that was presented as having painkilling properties was deemed more effective when it caused…

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Great Wall of China protected from erosion by coat of lichen and moss

A section of the Great Wall of China made with rammed earth AtthameeNi/Shutterstock The Great Wall of China is being protected from erosion by a “biocrust” of moss, lichen and cyanobacteria, much as the wall once shielded the country from northern invasions. The wall, built and rebuilt many times between about 200 BC and the…

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Having children earlier in life is genetically linked to dying younger

There seems to be a link between the age you have children and your lifespan Halfpoint Images/Getty Images People who are genetically predisposed to having children earlier in life are less likely to live to the age of 76, according to an analysis of more than 270,000 people’s genomes. Why we age is one of…

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